The most powerful advertising is word of mouth and testimonials of people who truly believe in a product. Since our product launch we have seen amazing reviews which cover a variety of different settings and uses. We wanted to create a positive reinforcement tool and let each of you decide how to use for your children. The number of ways you can use the Bear On The Chair® is only limited by your creativity.
Enjoy a sample of the many testimonials and we hope they help you make your decision to add Bear On The Chair® to your home, school, or clinic as well!
Melanie from Ohio:
“Absolutely love this bear! The concept is similar to the "Elf on the Shelf' BUT the wonderful thing is that this bear works all year round!! This is a must-have if you have children!”
Becky from Minnesota:
“We have begun utilizing our bear, who has been named Popsicle, by my High School ASD students. His primary objective in our room (we gave him a mission!!) is to help find students who are having a hard time and perhaps need a break in the sensory area. Popsicle helps us to let students know they need a break without having to disrupt class, or make a suggestion in front of the entire group. We had the bear to a student with the red, frown face on his shirt and they know immediately that they need to report to the break/sensory area to calm down and become ready to process with me. Once they are ready to process, they give me the non-verbal of putting the yellow, smiley face on Popsicle and put him back in his chair for me. It has worked well so far.”
Heather from Ohio:
“Our Bear on the Chair is a big hit at the elementary school! Both parents and students find him welcoming and encouraging. Thank you!”
Lynn from California:
“My class loves the bear. I show it at the beginning of circle time after reminding them about the rules. I tell them that he has his happy face on as they are all in their seats. I teach a transitional kindergarten class of nine boys with Autism.”
Kayla from Colorado:
“The first day I showed them I asked if they noticed anyone new sitting up with me. They noticed the bear and I said that he was my good friend but needed a name. The kids named him Mr. Bear and I explained Mr. Bear is happy when he sees boys and girls achieving the classroom goals (listening, doing work and trying). When Mr. Bear sees boys and girls not doing what they are supposed to be doing it makes him really sad and they'll have to try really hard to make him happy again. Now they notice him all of the time. The kids always want to make him happy and when I switch Mr. Bear to sad participation really kicks back up. I've also tied the bear to the Bear Hunt song which they love. So they know if Mr. Bear is happy during academic work time, they earn Bear Hunt. If he is sad, they know they don't earn it.”
Robin from West Virginia:
“The Bear has been a success in my classroom. I have a child with Autism with whom it has been very helpful. He does not like when I have to put the frown face on the bear and will immediately try to do whatever is necessary to put the smile back on its face. I am very pleased with the simplicity of the bear and hope to continue with it's success.”
Darcy from New York:
“I like the fact that the eyes are sewn in and the logo on the bottom of the foot separates this little bear from other bears in your child's collection. The chair is also adorable. I will be experimenting with how and when to use this little bear with my preschoolers - I am a special education teacher who works with children ages 3 and 4. I have found from past experiences that using an inanimate object can often prevent and diffuse meltdowns which I think the Bear on the chair will work well for; for example, many of my students have difficulty transitioning from one activity to the next or when asked to share a toy, visual timers have worked well in these instances because I simply say, "the timer went off, it's time to…" which seems to prevent the child from directing anger or aggression towards the adult, after all, "the timer did it!"
Tara from Pennsylvania:
“This little bear came in a colorful, well decorated box that would have any child excited to open. A story accompanied the bear in order to get it's child to become excited about having a friend to help with behavior. I am looking forward to using Bear on the Chair with 4-7 year old children on the autism spectrum. It is a visual, concrete tool that I feel will help my students track their own feelings and behaviors. I also feel that this behavior modification strategy will benefit any child in the home, at school, or therapy.”