Positive Reinforcement
We all know being a parent isn't easy and finding ways to teach your children empathy, cooperation, and preventing tantrums is an uphill battle at times. While these events are challenging and slightly embarrassing, it’s a natural part of a child’s development and figuring out how to express their emotions.
How can Bear On The Chair® make a lasting impression on your child? Through research on children’s emotional development, we found that they respond to things they are most familiar as it is comforting and helps to reduce stress. We all know teddy bears are everyone’s favorite stuffed animal regardless of age and children are familiar with yellow for happy and red for sad.
These were two key elements in creating the perfect solution for positive parenting. We also learned that children react to immediate feedback so the more quickly a child can associate an action with a result the more retainable it becomes.
Bear On The Chair® helps parents combine learning with positive reinforcement (yellow happy face) and teaches empathy when the bear become sad. (red frown face) In this moment, the parent uses a constructive environment to teach their child why the bear is sad and how to make it happy again.
Bear On The Chair® is a handy and fun tool to teach cooperation and sharing amongst siblings and has been a huge success in positive reinforcement for those potty training stages. Other popular uses are motivating children to brush their teeth, wash their hands, do their chores, go to bed on time, and eating healthy!